Covering the ground with fallen leaves and memories.
Orange and yellow scatter this place
reminding me
of the fire that burned in the heart of You and I.
Too splendid to cry
anything but a joyful tear
for it's nearly 2010...
a new world, a new year.
Imaginary letters float around my fluid mind
wishing I could share my smiles with you
wishing that you felt it too.
A fleeting breeze blows my way this tranquil fall--
Filling my thoughts: the Novembers when you were my All.
All I was, was you.
Wondering how the days drop off your calendar
as you drift into a new time.
*Mine are dropping rather gracefully.
Although, there are those days I'd like to press rewind...
Just to feel, one more time, the way November felt with you by my side.
oh I love it! not only because I know what this months means to you. But because it is my favorite month too :)