Monday, December 7, 2009

Nostalgic in Transition

A treasure chest of golden days.
Yellow flakes break.
And rain down on,
this face of youth maturing.

In mystery, I see promise and the backdrop of my history.
In shades of orange and crystal blue--tomorrow has signed her name.
A territory claimed just for me, to start the story of who I'll be.

I smile a closed mouth grin as tears roll down my cheek.

To the goodbyes and chapters closed, tucked away you'll be.

To the next that comes along...
Take from me the knowledge of another world and time,
and share with me the energy of your soul, the light that thrives inside.

Let me walk away...graceful, humble, and all brand new.


  1. Danielle,
    That was sweet. You are being very courageous in the huge changes you're making in your life. All to become a more knowledgeable well rounded person. And better for it. I've said it countless times, because it is true. I am so proud of you! So flow through your transition with all the ups and downs your emotions will bring. You wouldn't be human otherwise.

    i love you!
